U.S. says Israel will halt fighting for four hours each day

Israel will begin 4-hour pauses in military operations in Gaza each day, White House says
Israel will begin 4-hour pauses in military operations in Gaza each day, White House says

The White House announced that Israel had consented to daily four-hour breaks of its military actions in Northern Gaza areas. These pauses are intended to facilitate the delivery of aid and the evacuation of civilians. However, several leaders and humanitarian organizations argue that this measure is insufficient. Western allies, including the United States, have been advocating for a humanitarian pause to alleviate the living conditions of civilians in the region, which is currently grappling with shortages of food and water, and has been referred to as a ‘children’s graveyard.’ A high-ranking official from the Biden administration expressed that their understanding of a ‘pause’ extends beyond a few hours and should be ‘long enough to move significant quantities’ of aid. President Biden disclosed on Thursday that he had requested Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to implement a pause lasting three days.

Here’s an overview of the situation:

President Biden has communicated to the press that there is “no possibility” for a cease-fire in Gaza, stating emphatically, “None.” Despite this, various aid organizations, activists, and a number of U.S. lawmakers are advocating for a cease-fire, which is generally more formal and lasts longer than a temporary pause.

The ongoing conflict has severely impacted several hospitals in Gaza, as reported by the U.N.’s humanitarian agency. An airstrike hit a children’s hospital, reportedly resulting in three fatalities. The vicinity of al-Shifa Hospital was also reportedly struck. Furthermore, Gaza’s sole psychiatric hospital has ceased operations due to damage from an attack.

As Israeli ground forces progress into Gaza City, a significant number of civilians, predominantly on foot and many waving white flags, have evacuated northern Gaza via the main north-south route of the Gaza Strip.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the conflict has resulted in at least 10,818 fatalities and 26,905 injuries in Gaza. In Israel, the attack on October 7 led to at least 1,400 deaths and around 5,400 injuries, as per Israeli officials.

The Israeli military has announced that it will once again establish a passageway from the northern to the southern part of Gaza, utilizing the Salah al-Din thoroughfare. This move is intended to provide an escape route for residents. The corridor will be accessible from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. local time, as stated by IDF spokesperson Avichay Adraee on Twitter. He noted that some individuals have already started using this route and encouraged others to do the same, given that the northern part of Gaza continues to be a hotbed of intense combat.

The ongoing intensification of Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip has resulted in the death of thousands, with the numbers still rising, as reported by Palestinian health officials.

Various news outlets, including The Washington Post, along with the United Nations and other global institutions, are unable to independently confirm the casualty figures in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The data often quoted in news stories are provided by the Gaza Health Ministry, which operates under the governance of Hamas.

Following the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7, access to Gaza for foreign journalists has been restricted. Local Palestinian journalists are facing significant risks due to the ongoing conflict. All entry points into Gaza, except one, are under Israeli control, while the remaining crossing is managed by Egypt.

Israel agrees to four-hour pause in Gaza, White House says